New international projects

LEJT ends this week by completing 2 new assignments. We will build overhead contact lines in Belgium in April. Since then, we have completed a longer assignment in Denmark. There we will build overhead contact line we will have a machine we will also use there....

Team effort

Over the weekend, Långsele electricity and Railway Technology together with our partners Loxia Group, WRI, Ermaco and JN Track worked in Jämtland. We would like to thank you for the fantastic cooperation. We would also like to thank our client for the landmark...

We’re making progress with our new office

We at LEJT are pleased that the craftsmen are slowly but surely starting to get our new office in order. Unfortunately, our young helper went on a 6 week vacation but as you can see it is moving...

New office

Yesterday LEJT began to set up its new office in Sollefteå. Fortunately, we got some help with the work. Updates come here and on our Facebook page during the...
LEJT goes to Singapore

LEJT goes to Singapore

As a thank you to our amazing staff, we will go to Singapore for training and study visits. At the same time, we’re gonna watch the F1 race there. The race is the only one that runs in the evening. Should be interesting to see how they solved it with lighting we...
Merry Christmas and a happy new year

Merry Christmas and a happy new year

We want to wish everyone Merry Christmas and a happy new year. Hope the holidays offer good food and good company. We also want to say a big thanks to the clients we have worked with over the past year, and especially to our wonderful employees.